Sunday, November 16, 2008

Mini Makeshift Bunk Bed

The beauty of having different people look at things is that everyone has their own perspectives.  As we get older it seems harder to have an original perspective or one that hasn't been jaded by our experiences.  Sometimes this makes us less creative, at times it can also make us more creative.  In any case, children seem to have the most unique and simple ideas of all that make us look at things from perspectives we hadn't thought about.

One story that represents this example is one of a moving truck that got stuck under an overpass because it was just barely too tall to pass under the bridge above.  This incident blocked traffic behind it and presented a problem as to how to get the wedged in truck pulled out from it's precarious predicament.  Of course there were several people standing around scratching their heads, engineers, tow-truck drivers, Department of Transportation, etc.  A man walked up with his grandson to see what the backup was all about and they were informed of the situation.  The boy looked at the scene and asked wondering, "Why don't they just let the air out of the tires?"

This unique perspective from a boy who just happened upon this accident freed the truck from its place and got traffic once again moving on its way.

Recently my 2 year old daughter Anna had a unique perspective on our shoe rack we have by our front door.  Evidently she didn't see it as a shoe rack so much as a neat place to crawl into once all those annoying shoes were removed out of the way.

It reminds me when I was a kid and we would move in to a new house, there was all kinds of empty space and the plethora of room under sinks and in linen closets provided neat little hiding places.  As a side note, we seemed to move around a bunch having moved an average of every 1.5 years until my junior year of high school.  My brother & I would joke with friends that we might be in the witness protection program.  I had a different school every year from 6th grade on to 11th.

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